(a) |
Details of Business |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/company-overview |
(b) |
Terms & Conditions of Appointment of Independent Director |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Corporate-Governance/Terms&Conditions-of-appointment-of-Independent-Directors-Final-Policy.pdf |
(c) |
Composition of various Committees of Board of Directors |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Board-of-Directors/DGSL-Composition-of-Commitee-Details.pdf |
(d) |
Code of Conduct of Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Corporate-Governance/Code-of-Fair-Disclosure-and-Conduct-Final-Policy.pdf |
(e) |
Whistle Blower Policy |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Corporate-Governance/Whistleblower-Policy.pdf |
(f) |
Criteria of making payments to Non-Executive Directors |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Corporate-Governance/Criteria-for-payment-to-Non-Executive-Directors-Final-Policy.pdf |
(g) |
Policy on Related Party Transactions |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Corporate-Governance/Related-Party-Transaction-Policy-Final.pdf |
(h) |
Policy for determining Material Subsidiaries |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Corporate-Governance/Policy-for-Material-Subsidiaries.pdf |
(i) |
Familiarization Programmes imparted to Independent Directors |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Corporate-Governance/Familiarisation-Program-for-Independent-Directors-Final-Policy.pdf |
(j) |
Email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/investor-contact |
(k) |
Contact information of the designated officials of the listed entity who are responsible for assisting and handling investor grievances |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/investor-contact |
(l) |
Financial Information including: |
(I) notice of meeting of the board of directors where financial results shall be discussed; |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/announcements |
(ii) financial results, on conclusion of the meeting of the board of directors where the financial results were approved; |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/financials |
(iii) complete copy of the annual report including balance sheet, profit and loss account, directors report, corporate governance report etc; |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/financials |
(m) |
Shareholding Pattern |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/shareholding-pattern |
(n) |
Details of agreements entered into with the media companies and/or their associates, etc |
Not Applicable |
(o) |
Details of analysts or institutional investors meet: |
(i) Intimation/Schedule of analysts or institutional investors meet |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/earnings-call |
(ii) Audio or video recordings and transcripts of post earnings/quarterly calls |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/earnings-call |
(p) |
New name and the old name of the listed entity for a continuous period of one year, from the date of the last name change |
Not Applicable |
(q) |
Newspaper Publications |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/announcements |
(r) |
All credit ratings obtained by the company for its outstanding instruments |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/credit-rating |
(s) |
Subsidiary Financial Statements |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/financials |
(t) |
Secretarial Compliance Report |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Announcements/SecretarialAuditReportDGSL24052023.pdf |
(u) |
Disclosure of the policy for determination of materiality of events or information required under regulation 30(4)(ii) |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Corporate-Governance/Policy-on-Determination-and-Disclosure-of-Materiality-of-Events.pdf |
(v) |
Disclosure of contact details of Authorised Personnel to determine materiality of events/information and for making disclosures to Stock Exchanges |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/investor-contact |
(w) |
Disclosures under Regulation 30(8) of LODR |
https://www.datamatics.com/about-us/investor-relations/announcements |
(x) |
Statements of deviation(s) or variation(s) as specified in Regulation 32 |
Not Applicable |
(y) |
Dividend Distribution Policy |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Corporate-Governance/Dividend-Distribution-Policy.pdf |
(z) |
Annual Return as provided under Section 92 of the Companies Act |
https://www.datamatics.com/hubfs/Investors/Financials/investor-forms/MGT-7-30-11-23.pdf |