
Voice of Customer (VoC) Monitoring

Bringing your organisation closer to your customer


The role of Consumer Insights industry for providing insightful recommendations regarding consumer behaviour continues to evolve. As we understand, this will be driven by the convergence of process consulting, omni-channel customer experiences, agile technologies, and analytics process automation.

Datamatics equips its customers with the ability to capture and access VoC from multiple customer touchpoints, including social, and create integrated omni-channel connected data solutions. Presence of robust Business Intelligence Dashboards and AI/ML driven VoC Monitoring Systems allows on-the-go analyses of key trends as well as categorization of conversations and emerging themes. These analyses can be further enhanced through Research Consulting Services, Social Media Analytics, and Omni-channel Customer Analytics.


Voice of the Customer Monitoring Offerings

Audio Video Market Research Interviews & Compilation

Research Consulting

  • End-to-End consulting across Consumer Insight processes, right from survey initiation to synthesis of findings and actionable recommendations.
  • Ad-hoc surveys of ongoing initiatives, such as NPS (Net Promoter Score) and CSat (Customer Satisfaction) surveys
Statistical Data Modelling & Simulations

Speech-to-Text/ Text-to-Speech Insights & Analytics

  • Interpret the customer sentiments through their audio and video bytes and surveys
  • Data summarization and classifications, key themes, geo-tagging, semantic search engine, and text-to-speech snippets for finer nuances, intonation and other verbal cues
360 Degree Market Research & Data Analysis for Mystery Shopping Audit Services

Social Media Analytics

  • Social media listening and scraping, right from data collection, integration and analytics across key themes and consumer segments
Big Data Analytics for Mystery Shopping Audit & Market Research

Omni-channel VoC Insights

  • Recognize patterns and text analytics using NLP & ML, derive insights from your consumers' journey, across omni-channel unstructured VoC data

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