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Enterprise Network

Written by Communications Today | May 16, 2013 4:30:00 AM

"Big data, if leveraged by organizations in the right way, can be a game changer for the business of any organization. Some of the most popular and advanced businesses have already exhibited how big data solutions have enabled them to build radically innovative software applications, viz. Facebook, Google, and Yahoo. The Web companies have been early adopters of big data because of volume of un-structured information generated on an ongoing basis. Real- time operational intelligence, collection, storage and large-scale data processing of unstructured data, event logging into high- performance operational data stores, converting the offline archives to active archives are some of the key application use-cases, where organizations should start testing waters on what big data has to offer.

There are multiple factors that need to be considered for implementing it in the enterprise. Identifying the right use-cases, alignment with business objectives, leveraging/ complementing the existing infrastructure, simplifying big data implementation are some of the challenges faced by most of the organizations considering implementing it. To mitigate these challenges, organizations need to form cross-functional teams, work with business more closely, innovate by thinking out-of-the-box, and discovering the right applications and above all define strategy and road map for implementation of big data. Due to some of these challenges, there is a very cautious approach to big data and lots of organizations are still figuring out the right time and approach for big data."

Munwar Shariff
Co- Founder & Chief Technology Officer,
CIGNEX Datamatics.

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