Appointment Scheduling App and Online Patient Registration for a Leading Dental Practice Management Firm in North America
Case Study

Appointment Scheduling App and Online Patient Registration for a Leading Dental Practice Management Firm in North America


The client is one of the largest dental practice management companies in North America with over 100 years of history and it provides a wide range of dental services.



App Development Case Study
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The clients's patients could schedule appointments only via call or in person. This system was not completely efficient and the only way patients could be notified of any change in appointments, or additional documents required for the visit was through phone calls.

The client was struggling to cope with the manual processes and paper based forms for appointment scheduling which resulted in inefficiencies and a poor customer experience.

Solution | iOS & Android Mobile App Development

Datamatics developed an application for Android OS and iOS platforms. The client was able to use the app to support 2 different brands with the same functionality which helped the client to scale their business faster.

Patients could register online which also enabled the client to go paperless and comply better with regulatory norms.


Paperless registration - App Development Case Study

Paperless Registration

Enabled the client to improve staff productivity and cut costs


Time Saved

For health practitioners and staff as the patient registration and appointment scheduling processes were automated

Improved Data Quality

Improved Data Quality

Enabled the client to diagnose patients better and improve healthcare outcomes

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