Modernizing the Government Operations for a Regional Development Bank Case Study
Case Study

Modernizing the Government Operations for a Regional Development Bank


A regional development bank that supports its members in initiatives to promote social and economic development


Government & Public Services

Modernizing the Government Operations for a Regional Development Bank Case Study
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The bank had an objective of establishing eGovernance in the country to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its management and administration. It wished to renovate the working methods of the Government and leverage IT in a similar fashion to what private organization have.

Client was looking for Business Process Consulting on the current process to define a ‘To Be’ process flows & technological architecture to modernize the operations. Additional dimensions to consider were adequacy of security and seamless user experience since the users would be high ranking ministers.


Datamatics team of consultants conducted a detailed study of current processes that were largely undocumented.

Close interaction with the users and process owners to understand the current i.e. ‘AS-IS’ processes led to defining KPI’s and detailing a Target Process in a paper-less (eCabinet) model.

The technical consultation covered the following topics:

  • Detailed functional design
  • Scenarios of testing and acceptance of the system
  • The System acceptance criteria
  • Security design details (based on global best practices)

Datamatics successfully launched the system in July 2019


Minimized Paper Use

Digital Collaboration

Enabled where members provide comments / votes in electronic format with digital signatures even while they are away from office.

Digital Collaboration

Minimized Paper Use

In meetings by digitizing the documents (excluding confidential documents)

30% Reduction in Time Taken

30% Reduction

In time taken for Government sessions (meeting) by utilizing digital process workflow.