
The Drivers for Intelligent Automation

Process Optimization with Intelligent Automation

Legacy systems mostly operate as siloes as they lack APIs and don’t integrate with the rest of the IT landscape. The lack of a holistic overview and integration proves a deterrent for end-to-end automation that results in a lack of process and data visibility.

Intelligent Automation has the potential to integrate multi-generational information technology assets and processes, including paper-driven processes, with a holistic approach that is essential for generating a 360-degree view of the data for process optimization and CXO-level business insights.



Key Takeaways

Intelligent Automation integrates the different business automation siloes to generate meaningful insights in real-time.

It brings unstructured data in the purview of automation and improves process optimization, business agility, and data visibility.

It offers a 360-degree overview of the business for better decision-making and institutionalizes enterprise good governance.

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