At Datamatics, we believe our strength lies in our differences. It is what makes us unique and brings together the best in each one of us. With this belief, we started working towards building a more diverse and dynamic workforce and aimed to have one of the best male-female ratios in the industry.
We have a four-pronged approach Attract & Hire, Engage, Encourage, Retain which constitutes our Diversity core. All our diversity initiatives revolve around these four themes.
Extending the concept of Diversity beyond just gender to also but also Generation, Qualification, Culture, Experience, Ability, Thoughts and Opinions.
On International Women’s Day, We launched the 'Datamatics Diversity Charter', formalising our continued commitment towards Diversity, not limiting it to the only gender but also Generation, Qualification, Culture, Experience, Ability, Thoughts and Opinions. Bringing in more focus on a) Equity in the Workplace, b) Affirmative Actions, and c) Inclusive work Environment, all based on merit. While some programs like Welcome Back are currently in practice, new initiatives like (Wo)Mentoring, i.e. Women Mentoring Women, have been rolled out in a phased manner.
The Datamatics Leadership team continues to ‘Unify to Amplify’ our voices, to BreakTheBias, and progress towards a gender-equal world.
Datamatics Leadership team strikes the ‘Breakthebias’ pose as part of International Women’s day celebrations (2022).
Datamatics has joined the global network of Signatories for Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), established by UN Global Compact and UN Women. The WEPs are a primary vehicle for corporate delivery on gender equality dimensions of the 2030 agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Datamatics is the 76th company in India to be part of WEP.
“Working after a kid, can work,” and we as an organization welcome it!
With this thought in mind, we appreciate and welcome a lady back into the workforce post her Maternity Leave. In the current remote working scenario, we have adopted the virtual way of e-Welcoming Back our colleagues with a special personalized ‘Welcome Back’ e-card while extending support from the HR side, thus, being Socially Distanced yet, Mentally Connected with all of them.
Since the launch in the first year we saw 80% of the women continuing with us, wherein, 19% of them have completed an year or more with us, while 33% percent have completed a minimum of 6 months to one year. Now as we approach the second year anniversary in Covid times, we currently see 75.6% women continuing with us.
Women in Leadership positions mentoring women employees with insights & wisdom to help them overcome the challenges, better as they continue to challenge gender-based norms. With crucial learning shared post- session for their reference.
In 2021, we launched virtual Speed (Wo)Mentoring sessions for women in Mid-management & above, and with its success we have started Focused (Wo)Mentoring sessions every quarter for all women irrespective of grade/ tenure/ employment type in Datamatics, with a deep dive on relevant topics.
Candid in-person conversation based platform with the CHRO. In the engaging chat, the participants focused on sharing their inspirational stories on how did they #breakthebias, discussed the filters of bias that sometimes guide our outlook, and how Empathy can help us while working with diverse teams.
Dr Rima Ghose Chowdhury (President - CHRO & CSR Leader) and Team, co-authored an original research paper on ‘Framework for Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs to Break the Glass Ceiling’. The paper was presented, selected and published as part of the ‘Catalyzing Change and Innovation in Women Entreleaderhip – India perspectives’ compendium by a premier Indian BSchool.
Our aim is to have an inclusive work environment, not limited to gender and we focus on building resilience. Eg- Celebrating Mental Health Week- Ask Listen, Share in association with NHRD tacked various aspects of the topic. Thus, moving from words to action.
Wheel of Well Being for ALL - Six Dimensions of Employee Wellness
Datamatics wins the prestigious UN WEPs Award for exemplary practice in embracing Transparency and Reporting Initiatives.
Datamatics was recognised for being among the Top Companies in the Private sector at the United Nations Global Compact Network India (UN GCNI) Innovative Practices Award “Women at Work” – 2020. Acknowledged to be amongst the top 10 companies in the private sector, by United Nations Global Compact Network India (UN GCNI), for its innovative practices of “Women at Work”.
Our continued efforts towards the Gender Equality agenda were acknowledged and featured by UN Women India across their Social Media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn).
Featured in the prestigious Circle of Excellence for the Wellness Company of the Year in the 13th Asia CEO Awards Philippines (2022).
Previously also featured as CSR Company of the Year and Top Employer of the year, in 2021.
Shortlisted as the top Finalists for The Most Inclusive Organisation at the respected MRSI Golden Key awards.
Datamatics has been recognized and awarded with the ‘Best D&I Award for Gender Diversity and Empowerment’ at the Best Diversity and Inclusion Practices at Asia Seminar and Awards 2020.
Our CEO and Vice-Chairman, Mr. Rahul Kanodia won the "Best D&I CEO of the Year' at the Best Diversity and Inclusion Practices At Asia Seminar and Awards 2020.
We have a dedicated ‘Equal Employment, Diversity and Inclusion Policy to ensure that the Employees act with integrity and treat others fairly and with respect, irrespective of their differences. We aim to provide our employees with an environment of equality and respect for all employees and contractors and not discriminating against any individuals on the basis of their gender, age, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family status, religious beliefs and abilities.
Datamatics is a Digital Technologies, Operations, and Experiences company that enables enterprises to go Deep in Digital to boost their productivity, customer experience and competitive advantage.