 Implemented Salesforce for a Leading International Organization Case Study
Case Study

A Leading Global Footwear Manufacturer Increased Its Sales Per Store By 18% With Informed Decision Making & Advanced Analytics


The client is among the top global shoemakers in terms of volume, operating 5,300+ stores across 70+ countries on 5 continents and running 21 production facilities in 18 countries. with their headquarters situated in Lausanne, Switzerland, they have a worldwide presence and employ over 32,000 people.


Apparel & Accessories Retail





The client was grappling with many challenges, as sales had plateaued across various segments, including men’s and women’s categories, indicating a lack of growth momentum. The marketing strategies in place were proving ineffective, failing to stimulate demand or drive sales.

Additionally, the client aimed to provide personalized retail experiences for each customer segment. However, balancing this customization with the need to maintain operational efficiency was a complex task. These challenges highlighted the need for a comprehensive solution to rejuvenate the client’s business.


To tackle the retail segmentation challenges, the Datamatics team solution hinged on harnessing the power of advanced analytics. This approach was instrumental in tailoring store experiences to individual customer preferences and guiding strategic decision-making processes.

Datamatics employed sophisticated methodologies such as k-means, k-prototype, and Agglomerative clustering. These techniques allowed them to delve deep into the store data, enabling them to uncover subtle customer preferences that might otherwise have been overlooked. By doing so, the client was able to fine-tune its segmentation strategies, ensuring they were optimally aligned with customer needs and preferences.



15% increase in revenue per employee


18% increase in sales per store


42% reduction in Inventory days


Enhanced marketing ROI by 12%.

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