 Implemented Salesforce for a Leading International Organization Case Study
Case Study

A Leading Market Research Company Improves Efficiency by 99% for a Global Brand Tracking Study with an Automated Report Generation Tool


Founded in 1992, the client is a leading market research company that provides strategic insights to help businesses improve their performance. The company offers various services, such as brand research, product development research, and market strategy analysis. It is headquartered in California and operates in over 90 countries with the help of 3000+ researchers and analysts.


Market Research


United States



The client encountered major issues in their Brand Health Tracking Study due to a slow data extraction and manual reporting process.

Managing 127 metrics, 24 subgroups, 35 competitor brands, and 14 countries made the process cumbersome and error-prone.

This method was unsustainable and hampered the client’s ability to ensure accurate and efficient reporting and analysis.


Datamatics thoroughly assessed the project's scale, various data sources, intricate reporting system, and specific requirements, recognizing the necessity for a research-driven strategy paired with technological intervention.

Working in close collaboration with the client, Datamatics developed and implemented a Python-based tool tailored to automate the report generation process.

This tool was specifically customized to address the client's unique data needs, streamlining the entire process, enhancing accuracy, and significantly improving efficiency in handling the complex metrics and diverse datasets involved.



99% higher operational efficiencies within 4 months.


70% reduction in time for quality checking


Overall report creation time reduced to 8 hours from earlier 750 hours

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