Successful Extended Development Center Operations For An International Healthcare Group
Case Study

Successful Extended Development Center Operations For An International Healthcare Group


The client is an international healthcare group, with its origins and headquarters in the United Kingdom but now serving 32 million customers in 190 countries.



Successful Extended Development Center Operations For An International Healthcare Group
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The client wanted to adopt a flexible yet secure engagement model at offshore to reduce operational costs and source talent that works in tandem with in-house teams in Follow-the-Sun model.


Based on its experience to quickly commence
operations for 27 EDCs and JVs, Datamatics used its Ready EDC Framework to jump start operations using dedicated infrastructure, HR, Legal, Regulatory, Finance, Payroll, QA, and PMO.

Datamatics also set up a Dedicated IT Infrastructure to provide a secure environment for Agile Development, Automation Testing, System/ User Testing, Application Support, Release/ Configuration Management, Digital/Cloud Support, etc.

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15+ Years Successful relationship

15+ Years

Successful relationship

300+ Employee base , services delivery across UK, Australia, USA, & Hong Kong


Employee base , services delivery across UK, Australia, USA, and Hong Kong

46000+  Number of global user base supported


Number of global user base supported

Finance Team With knowledge of the local procedures

Finance Team

With knowledge of the local procedures

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