Gain useful insights into your RPA (or robotic process automation) program with TruBot Analytics.
A successful RPA program makes for a more efficient, more productive enterprise. Boost your chances of success with a 360-degree view of your RPA program. TruBot's in-built Analytics gives you insights into bot utilization, process performance, and much more.
TruBot's in-built Analytics tool measures operational KPIs like bot station utilization and errors in bot execution, among others. It also calculates RPA program benefits at the business level, whether process comparisons, or the ROI of the program.
TruBot RPA Analytics provides businesses with actionable intelligence which can play a very crucial role in the success of the RPA program.
Key Differentiators
Operational monitoring and control of historical data for Bot execution, status and notifications
Monitor RPA program benefits at the business level with integrated analytics
Analytics for operational KPIs like bot station utilization, bot utilization, errors in execution etc.
Customer’s choice for Robotic Process Automation Tools

This white paper provides key points that will help them select the right processes for RPA deployment.
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The bank wanted to automate the entire process in order to avoid the duplication of customer requests and save additional operational cost.
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TruBot Cockpit is a web-based application that helps you create, manage, and publish bots. Watch TruBot Cockpit in action.
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Frequently Asked Questions
We want to simplify your life. In the following you see answers to some questions that might arise.