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Use Cases: Harnessing The Power Of Generative AI in Intelligent Automation

Discover the limitless potential of generative AI in revolutionizing intelligent automation for your organization. The use cases combine the power of Intelligent Document Processing and Robotic Process Automation with the advanced capabilities of generative AI. Seamlessly automate complex tasks, streamline workflows, and unlock unprecedented efficiency and innovation.

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Generative AI and IDP Use cases

Automation Use Cases involving Intelligent Document Processing and Generative AI

Contract Management

Enhance contract management processes by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically extract key terms, clauses, and obligations from contracts, analyze their compliance with legal requirements, and generate alerts using RPA for critical dates or non-compliance issues.

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Contract Insights

Enhance your document analysis and evaluation with the seamless integration of Intelligent Document Processing and Generative AI. Unlock valuable insights from contracts and agreements. Utilize business-like prompts to effortlessly extract and validate data based on specific queries. Empower your legal team to extract relevant information without the need for AI model training.

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Contract Summarization

Create summaries of contracts and agreements, for faster archival and retrieval by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Integrate the Intelligent Document Processing solution with Content systems for end-to-end automation.

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Highlight Contract Outliers

Highlight detractors and outliers in an unstructured document, such as a contract or an agreement, which are detrimental to negotiating business by integrating the Intelligent Document Processing solution with Generative AI. Integrate the Intelligent Document Processing with the Content Management systems for end-to-end automation.

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Compliance Analysis

Utilize Intelligent Document Processing and Generative AI to analyze unstructured documents, such as compliance reports or regulatory documents, to identify and extract key compliance-related information for auditing and risk management purposes.

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Invoice Validation

Integrate Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI to validate and verify invoice data from unstructured documents, such as invoices or receipts, against predefined rules and business requirements, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual effort.

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Customer Feedback Analysis

Extract valuable insights from unstructured customer feedback data by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Identify sentiment, trends, and actionable information to improve customer experience and make data-driven business decisions.

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Research Paper Summarization

Automatically generate concise summaries of lengthy research papers using Intelligent Document Processing and Generative AI. Extract key findings, methodologies, and conclusions for efficient review and knowledge dissemination.

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Risk Assessment

Enhance risk assessment processes by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Analyze unstructured data, such as insurance claims or financial reports, to identify potential risks, fraud patterns, or anomalies, enabling proactive risk management and mitigation.

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Contract Compliance Monitoring

Monitor compliance with contractual obligations by integrating Intelligent Document Processing and Generative AI. Automatically extract and compare relevant clauses and terms from contracts against actual performance data, enabling proactive management of contract compliance and mitigating risks.

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Patent Analysis

Perform comprehensive analysis of patent documents using Intelligent Document Processing and Generative AI. Extract key information, analyze patent landscapes, and uncover potential infringements for intellectual property management and strategic decision-making.

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Patent Portfolio Management

Streamline patent portfolio management by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically extract and evaluate patent documents, analyze their relevance and potential for infringement, and generate reports for strategic decision-making and IP protection.

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Job Description Development

Develop job description summaries which will appeal to the job seekers, based on requirements by internal stakeholders received via email or uploaded on internal HR systems using Intelligent Document Processing integrated with Generative AI.

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Candidate Profiling

Utilize Intelligent Document Processing and Generative AI to profile candidates by extracting and evaluating relevant data from resumes, cover letters, and other documents. Automatically match candidate qualifications with job requirements, enabling efficient candidate screening and shortlisting.

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Employee Onboarding Automation

Streamline the employee onboarding process by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically extract essential information from onboarding documents, such as IDs, forms, and contracts, and generate personalized onboarding materials based on individual employee profiles.

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Employee Document Audit

Conduct compliance audits by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically analyze employee documents, such as certifications, licenses, and training records, against regulatory requirements and internal policies to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.

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Supplier Evaluation

Automate supplier evaluation processes by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Extract and analyze supplier information, such as financial statements, performance metrics, and certifications, to assess their suitability and compliance with vendor criteria.

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Vendor Due Diligence

Streamline vendor due diligence processes by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically analyze vendor-related documents, such as financial statements, legal contracts, and certifications, to assess their credibility, financial stability, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Extract key information, evaluate risk factors, and generate comprehensive vendor due diligence reports for informed decision-making and risk mitigation.

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Legal Research

Accelerate legal research by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Analyze vast amounts of legal documents, such as case law and statutes, to extract relevant information, identify precedents, and generate insights for legal professionals.

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Multi-Language IDP Support

Enable querying through multiple languages in Roman script by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Support multiple use cases, such as audits conducted by foreign language experts, etc. Build audit systems and content management systems by integrating Intelligent Document Processing and Generative AI.

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Credit Rating Analysis

Enhance credit rating analysis and evaluation by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically analyze credit-related documents, such as financial statements, loan agreements, and credit reports, to assess the creditworthiness of individuals or businesses. Extract key financial indicators, evaluate risk factors, and generate comprehensive credit rating reports for informed decision-making in lending and financial services.

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ESG Compliance Assessment

Streamline ESG compliance assessment by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically analyze company documents, such as sustainability reports, policies, and corporate governance documents, to evaluate adherence to ESG principles and standards. Extract relevant ESG metrics, assess performance against benchmarks, and generate comprehensive ESG compliance reports for stakeholders, investors, and regulatory reporting purposes. 

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KYC Process Automation

Feed Customer KYC related documents in the Intelligent Document Processing solution to extract unstructured data and convert it into a structured tabular format. Integrate the IDP tables with Generative AI to fetch outliers and create email content for the Customer to send the correct document. Trigger the email to the Customer by using RPA to seek quick action for further processing.

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Medical Records Analysis

Improve healthcare data analysis by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically analyze medical records, lab reports, and clinical notes to extract relevant medical information, such as diagnoses, treatments, and medications. Generate structured summaries, detect patterns, and support healthcare professionals in decision-making and patient care.

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Insurance Claims Processing

Streamline insurance claims processing by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically extract and analyze data from insurance claim forms, policy documents, and supporting evidence. Validate claim details, assess coverage, and identify potential fraud or anomalies, enabling faster and more accurate claims processing.

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Claims Fraud Detection

Detect insurance claims fraud by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically analyze claim-related documents, such as medical records, accident reports, and invoices, to identify suspicious patterns, inconsistent information, and potential fraud indicators. Generate alerts using RPA for further investigation and mitigate fraudulent claims.

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Asset Management Optimization

Optimize asset management processes by integrating Intelligent Document Processing with Generative AI. Automatically analyze asset-related documents, such as maintenance records, warranties, and financial reports, to assess asset performance, maintenance needs, and financial viability. Generate recommendations for asset optimization, cost reduction, and improved operational efficiency.

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A Complete Guide To The Most Popular Use Cases of Generative AI Powered Intelligent Automation

What you get:
  • A list of most popular Generative AI use cases Powered with Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)
  • Generative AI Powered Intelligent Automation use cases & examples across Contract Management, Vendor Management, Patent Management, Compliance, Insurance Processing and Employee Service

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